Saturday, February 27, 2010

Laurie (L.C.) Lewis

As I mentioned earlier I am attending the ANWA conference this weekend.  (Really in less than four hours)  I am excited.  Through ANWA I have become aware of a lot of wonderful books by talented authors. One of these authors, Laurie (L.C.) Lewis has a   Freemen and Dreamers series of historical novels set around the time of the war of 1812.   The Revolution and the young United States is an interesting time period to me.  While Dawn's Early Light is the most recent book I am going to start with Dark Sky at Dawn, volume one.  {May I just say thank you for putting numbers 1,2,and 3 on the covers?  It is so helpful to readers, even if  read out of sequence. May I also add helpful when shopping for self or gifts?  (Personal pet peve.  Could you tell? ) }  Her non-series book Unspoken about  love and rebuilding damaged family ties sounds like a curl up in a warm blanket with cocoa read. I am looking forward to reading her books and just wanted to share.


Laurie (L.C.) Lewis - Books

Laurie (L.C.) Lewis - Books

I'm Back --Or Three AM Thoughts

I look at other people's blogs and am so impressed at how professionally they have included links and pics.  I only hope my blog can be that way when it grows up.  I was so excited as I started my blog in November. Then I decided I needed to get ready for Christmas; and really, I should learn how to label and link and maybe have something meaningful to post, before I do.  Let's face it no post of mine is ever going to measure up at this rate.  I want a grown up dog when I bought a puppy.  So there will be mistakes and mishaps.  (Is there blog spot bot and urine gone?)   But I wanted to do this for self expression and fun.  It won't be fun if I never play with it.  The only way I will learn how to link and label is to play with it.  That is how I learned to put the ANWA conference widget on the blog.  So, while I dream of providing Fourth of July spectacular fireworks it is really just sparklers and firecrackers, and humming to the radio at my blog.  But I like sparklers.
